Bacchus and a Drinker d Teecnospos The Birth and Naming of St John the Bapt Grace Before Meat Equivalents for the Megaliths An Earthly Paradise -23- La Brioche Nave Nave Moe Rehearsal on the Stage St. John the Baptist venice Wilmot The Third Class Carriage online icon Avignon Classical Landscape Sunset -47- academy Sunrise in the Catskill Jeune femme au col marin -38- Details of The Three Stages of Life,with Warriors and Orientals A View on the Maas near Dordrecht Francois Gerard Caritas china ware Kudirkos-Naumiestis Aeneas with the Sybil & Charon The Big Crater Eisenstadt Hercules Between Love and Wisdom Meppel The General Duke of San Miguel Still life of a watermelon,pears,grapes A Lady and Two Gentlemen The Molo with the Ducal Palace fdg Helel Allingham,RWS Negotiator the Bay Horse in a Landscape The Letter of Introduction -nn03- Otho,with JOhn Larkin up The Last Supper