The Standard-earer -33- Fruit dish The Abduction of Helen -05- Water Willow -28- Portrait en Pied de Philippe IV -df02- Virgin Annunciate -08- Rest on the Flight to Egypt The Village Sidney Starr The Piazzetta to the South f The Last Supper sgu Nograd Niagara Falls Christ Entering Jerusalem Diego Martelli Comtesse de la Chatre Seated Nude Punch or May Day The Molo and the Riva degli Schiavoni fr London- the Thames and the City of Londo A Lady Reading a Letter eart Beechercity Staatlicbes Lindenau Museum The Love Embrace of the Universe,The Ear The Nativity Dancers Climbing the Stairs Orestes Jadwiga Potocka, Countess Branicka The Bay of Baiaae with Apollo and the Si Agony -20- Pedro Blanes Dolno Kolicani Alfred-Emilien, Comte de Nieuwerkerke Landscape with Ascanius Shooting the Sta constant troyon Portrait of Vincenzo Morosini Landscape with a Watering Place -05- Incense of a New Church Snow Storm Hannibal and his Army crossin Montebello