A wooded river landscape with saint john Young Girls at the Seaside -19- Everhard Jabach Francis Guy St. John the Baptist er John warwick smith The Fete Champtre Heyworth wholesale picture frame Port Scene with the Departure of Ulysses miami A Lady Drinking and a Gentleman wr Conciliarism Painting Richard Wagner A Scene on the Ice L-Arlesienne -nn04- Woman in Yellow and blue with Guitar -35 Queen Victoria Mountains -34- St.john the Baptist Preaching Meeting of Mary and Elisabeth -detail- Esther before Abasuerus -01- Presentation of the Virgin at the Temple Sunday Morning in the Mines The boat of Thames The Three Graces F Two Lovers -nn04- King Cophetua and the Beggar Maid Bittern and Ducks Startled by Dogs ssg Mrs Potter Palmer At Hailsham,Storm Approaching Dobroste St Bernard-s Vision of the Virgin Susanna in the Bath er The Lover Crowned The Family of Henry VIII -25- Spring -08- Architectural View f Piltene Two Little Girls