La jolla,n.d. Caligula Depositing the Ashes of his Mot Madame boucher The Raising of the Cross -01- The Dropsical Woman -05- Nativity with St Francis and St Lawrence Netherlands Archangel ighi stretched ball Roman Charity An Allegory -05- claud monet Crossing the Elbe in front of the Schrec The Entombment Perseus Liberating Andromeda The Muses -09- Portrait of Jan van Eyewerve urf Details of Le caur des Andes Doge on the Bucentoro on Ascension Day The Rehearsal John Liston Byam Shaw The Remorse of Nero after the Murder of Demont-Breton Virginie Manovens, Francisco Masriera Portrait d-un officier allemand The Agony in the Garden -nn03- Interior of a Tavern -25 Crucifixion -detail- jj BURGKMAIR, Hans Martyrdom of St Denis Landscape with Hercules and Achelous -05 Still life Potatoes in a Yellow Dish -nn Madonna with Child Blessing 25 Dance RUYSCH, Rachel The Hunter-s Returm -13- Holy Trinity Still Life with Oranges and Lemons alexandria moulding museum reproduction