Becalmed Holiabrunn Landscape in Leicestershire -46- Adoration of the Lamb -detail- The Origin of the Milky Way Colwell claude monet water lilies Dallascenter Portrait of a Young Man sgt Study of Harmonious times Self-portrait dheh Simsbury Probisap Girolamo Macchietti Westchicago Interior of a Kitchen -05- Plucking the Red and White Roses in the Menaces d Orage Lakeinthehills Mr and Mrs Andrews dg St Peter distributes the Goods of the Co Au Dispensaire Portrait of Ezra Stiles art force in modern utility war world Eros and Ganymede -46- Femmes egyptiennes au bord du Nil -32- Kenai pigment St Augustine-s Vistion of the Christ The Building of a Cathedral Romania Swanvalley creature of the black lagoon Still-Life with Fish Portrait d-une jeune Nord-Africaine -32- Entombment Still life-Vast with Fourteen Sunflowers National Air and Space Museum The Coronation of Marie de- Medici Union Square in Spring