Apse fresco dh Recreation by our Gallery Good Morning Chrysanthemums sd The Milbanke and Melbourne Families rwy Stair David with the Head of Goliath dfg St.Peter Revives Tbitha Moraga Donna Schuster Lord Frederic Leighton Village at the River sg The Pancakes Cedaredge Frederick George Cotman Harriet Backer MEYTENS, Martin van Danvers Self-Portrait dfhm Reception dans un harem turc -32- William Strutt Sanrafael Last Supper -detail- Two Lovers -nn04- The new bridge of Paris Fortbenningsouth Judith Beheading Holofernes -detail- sdg Lakebutler Offering to Ceres, Goddess of Harvest Hirst, Claude Raguet Manhattan The Annunciation Head of a Woman dfs impressionism artist Scene de harem -32- Exhibition of a Rhinoceros at Venice Entrance to the Port of Honfleur -Windy Saskia sa Flora Gallery of the Louvre -05- Recreation by our Gallery