Water Serpents II -20- Jacob Blessing the Sons of Joseph The Clothed Maja Rezekne The Raising of the Cross -01- iconology Deer-Hunt -17- A Wall, Nassau Waikane Lunch Melpomene Erato and Polymnia -05- The Triumphal Entrance of Henry IV into Portrait of the Artist Holding an Erynga The Dijon Altarpiece beyond monet The Crows are Back Staugustinesouth Portrait of Young Woman Flaming June The Bridge at Trinquetaille -nn040 Green Vineyard Portrait of the Artist-s Wife, Catherine VELDE, Adriaen van de The Song of the Lark Art Room dh Angel Announcing and Virgin Announciated Sunset : Wheat fields Near Arles The Conquest of Jerusalem Pay one-s respects to Belei Harvard University Art Museums Merz 25 A The Constella-tion -09- Espagnois -40- Allegory of Justice -05- The Seven Deadly Sins hgj The Dinner Party Self-portrait aged 63 -08- wood frame stacking chair Le jugement de Salomon The Pilgrims Meet the Pope -detail- kk framed movie poster