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non-objective art stretched hummer Vanersborg La Maison du doceur Gachet a Auvers-sur- Hippolyte Lazerges Le caur des Andes Details of Susanna and the Elders Self-Portrait with Gorget GUARIENTO d Arpo The Deposition Portrait de joachim Gasquet The temptation of christ on themountain Washingtonpark Thomas Fogarty First Caresses -26- Lorette Reclining -35- The Trout Chasseur of the Imperial Guard,Charging The Allegory of Hercules Marine Oberosterreich Napierfield Spring Saloman van Ruysdael Portrait de Mona Lisa dit La joconde Norland The Laundresses Easthazelcrest Herd by the River Yacht approaching the coast -31- Cheerful young Peasant Admiral Robert Roddam Orazio Gentileschi Sananselmo Fruit dish and bottle Kaibito Parker River Landscape The Parable of the Labourers in the Vine The Mystic Marriage of St.Catherine