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Redmon Lebanon Judith leyster Antoine Caron Kotor make mirror up Garten am Thuner See Disputation in the Synagogue -detail- dg Entombment wooden Pieta Cary Victory Boogie Woogie Larsenbay The Mystic Marriage of St.Catherine Conesville Wedding Wall painting of a pastoral scene in the Still Life df Queen Victoria -25- PISANELLO Wycliffe Reading his Translation of the HOUCKGEEST, Gerard Keybiscayne Beach at Scheveningen in Calm Weather -n Mykonos Death of the Virgin The Marriage Feast at Cana The Burial of Pierrot -Jazz- -35- Carson s Men View in the White Mountains -13- snow scenery A Dedication to Bacchus -23- St Dominic sdg Theatre du Gymnase Goulds The Last Judgement -detail- df Avignon -11- The Valley Farm -09- The Grand Canal near the Salute sg