Allegory of the Creation A Beach with Shipping Offshore Frans Jansz van Mierisi The Journey to Emmaus -17- La Chiesa e la scuola della Carita,dal l Portrait of Emile Zola Night Sket ch of the Thames near Hungerf Fishing Boats on the Beach at Saintes-Ma claude cooking journal monet monets tabl Stonehenge. Mura, Francesco de A country lane,with a church in the dist Gradosorci A Study of Opal in Ferrugineous jasper f Dospalos Portrait of the Chinchon Writers and Researchers Kobenhavn Riga discount Amalia van Solms Rouen Cathedral Study of pier Madonna and Child ddfhf Claude Monet Painting Schleswig-Holstein Ernest Duez Judgement of Paris Cross at Sunset Isenheim Altar Allegory of the Nativity The still life having the fruit Portrait of the Artist-s Mother af drawing life pencil still The Parisian Woman example of abstract art COUSTENS, Pieter Saint Jerome in a Rocky Landscape Madame Riviere -05- Great Fish-Market Henry McCarter