The Dancing couple The People of Myra Welcoming St. Nichola Il doge Leonardo Loredan -21- Pittsfield Sid Zephyrhills Details of King Harold falls in battle Table Kibler Blue Verts Ld Dame en bleu Hermitage William Merrit Chase traditional art Nicolaes Woutersz van der Meer sg Yellow City -12- self-Portrait with Model -nn03- Madonna and Child_y Miladinovci Diana and Callisto ar Il Canal Grande da campo S Vio -21- Maerten Jacobsz van Heemskerck Le Chateau Noir Te Arii Vahine Lefebvre, Jules Joseph An Officer of the Imperial Horse Guards Two Women Dancing at the Moulin Rouge -0 Colonel George K. H. Coussmaker, Grenadi Self-Portrait in his Studio bar canvas stretcher Louise-Anne de Bourbon-Cond, called Mlle The angel having six wing Leisurecity The Graham Children Chinese Princess BOLTRAFFIO, Giovanni Antonio life photography still Souvenier de Mortefontaine, salon of 186 Paul Alexandre -38- Liegende Frau -12-