Bingol Saints Gregory,Maurus and Papianus -01- Blountstown Portrait of an Old Man in Period Costume Portrait de M Gauthier-Lathuile -40- Cluj Unique Form of Continuity in Space -19- The Marriage of the Virgin fg Dejeuner sur l herbe Gherardo Starnina Juno Autumn Pueblowest Robert Salmon Xocavand Diane de Potiers Study of the raining at Paris street Windfall Arm of the Seine near Giverny in the Fog Rider-s Rest Place q4r Antumn Dunes -42- Lever de lune The Card Players Still life with a Bottle,Two Glasses Che The Sheep Meadow, Moonlight -Creeper- a Bay colt with Jockey up at t The Countrywoman in the work Still-life sg Pandora -23- Giovanni Biliverti Strakonice Portrait of Mme.Riviere La Cathedrale de Rouen au Crepuscule The Wreck The Virgin and Child Details of The Virgin of Chancellor Roli claude monet history Roses Haymaking or Fuly -01- The Gonzaga Family Adoring the Trinity -