Mona Virgin and Child Port by Moonlight idea landscape BASSETTI, Marcantonio When Heart is Bad The Presepio Improvisation Gorge Pile Hay Portrait of a Lady -45- A Pompeian Beauty Q Primavera -36- Music Hall The Expulsion of the Danes from Manchest Capriccio con un ponte di Rialto immagin art drink fine mixing Aragon The Meeting of St Erasmus and St Maurice Latina The Trinity dsg Palazzo Contarini Delrio Exaltation of the Cross The Valley of Lauterbrunnen and the Stau Woman Darning La route de Sin-le-Noble -11- Pompeius Occo Stories of Lucretia -36- Jelgava Four Breton Women Antalya Yellow City -12- Coronado The Romans Cause a Wall to be Built for Vilani L-Accordee du Village -08- eventide No Man s Land aka Dat Devil Sea Milliners -nn02- Serbia