St Luke Painting the Madonna sdg Frederic Remington Consummatum est Jerusalem A Woman Asleep at Table -detail- aer Two Guttersnipes -12- Garden Restaurant William IV Philip IV,Standing -df01- The Fortune Teller -detail- hjt St.Sebastian Virgin with Cherries -05- Woman in a Garden -nn02- The Maesta Altarpiece Christ Carring the Cross Ludlow Ambush qr Waimea ford mirror truck The Portrait of Lin Dun Esbjerg Details of Peasant Wedding Feast Ecce Ancilla Domini -28- Leon Indenbaum Dnieper-s Moonlight Spring The Crucifixion 6 Samuel Adams Carpentersville John Baptizing -05- Joseph Tissot Strakonice The Departure of St.Florian Perrysville Woman Holding a Fruit Cleveland Public Square Visit to the Nursery sg Self Portrait 1 Farmington Flowers in a Vase fg The Lovers of Painting