Newtok St.Martin-s Summer The Visit qet Bole Mora marknad Isaak Abrhamsz Massa and Beatrix van der Manalapan Dewey-humboldt Bird upon a branch Barmouth Ferry -47- Jadwiga Potocka, Countess Branicka The Forum Seen from the Farnese Gardens Two Young Girls at the Piano Recreation by our Gallery The Jolly Flatboatmen Cottage Interior Stormy Landscape with Philemon und Bauci Feyntje van Steenkiste The Woodcutter -nn04- In the Entrance The Knight with His Hand on His Breast s L-Arlesienne -nn04- St Cecilia -m41- St Agnes gyt Lakeofthewoods The Calumny Haymaking or Fuly -01- St Thomas sg Pancevo In Without Knocking Scenes from the Legend of Saint Augustin St.Cecilia Utica detail of predella of the St Barnabas Al California landscape LImassol The Tree of Life springs from the fount impressionist life still Thomas Butler, Tenth Earl of Ormonde cock stretcher