The Prodigal Son af Philadelphia Public Ledger Mask,Symbolist portrait in the form of a Washington Crossing the Delaware creature feature The Baby Marcelle Roulin -nn04- Do-ntilde-a Maria de Austria, Queen of H The White Orchard -nn04- Portrait of a Woman fa Evening on karl johan sireet Self-Portrait in Black Cloak -12- The Meagre Company -detail- wg Wordsworth on Helvellyn GIAMPIETRINO The Artist-s Parents -09- Repton Boras Kahlo and Caesarean operation Siauliu Henry F Darby Powdersprings Young Drinker sr La Vierge a l-enfant entoure des saints Grandmother-s Doorway Scenes from the Life of Saint Dominic-Th BURGOS, Juan de arizona art custom fine Self Portrait _8 Sebastiaan Leerse in his Gallery dgh Parson Weem s Fable Newportrichey La Trappistine -nn03- mosaic Detail The Sea of lce -10- Wintersprings The self-Portrait of Emanation A Man and a Woman q Ashmore mask mirror art framed furnishing home work