The Maharajah Duleep Singh Madonna and Child Oracle James clarke hook,r.a Kekaha Portrait of a Man Spring -26- Portrait of Giovanni Antonio Pantera Lawrenceburg Morning-Peasant Couple Going to Work -nn Vase with Zinnias and Geraniums -nn04- Little Boy in a Windsor Chair Pharoah-s Army Marching Rope-s Composition The Dismissal of Hagar and Ishmael -33- L Automne Landscape with Wild Animals a Deux chapeaux -40- Darmstadt Madonna -detail- sf The Wife of Zebedee Interceding with Chr GIOVANNI DA MODENA BASAITI, Marco Dedham Lock and Mill -09- Omaha Sir Richard Southwell sg The Lovesick Woman Portrait of Rembrandt-s Father Erasmus Quellinus The Apotheosis of Henry IV and the Procl Suprematist Composition -09- are mirrors city landscape Georges de La Tour Nunez Italia and Germania -45- The Great Red Dragon and the Woman Cloth Selmont-westselmont Almelo Moaning of the Bulls -43- flower