Footballer The Madonna and Child Enthroned,with SS. Serenity Manila Councilbluffs Wilmingtonisland Madonna of the Rosegarden Young Woman Ironing Burnham Rossetti Woman and a Maid with a Pail in a Courty Maunawili Pontoonbeach Giorgio de Chirico Ardentown designer Still Life with Three Bottles and Earthe Madonna of Red Angels tr White and Pink Roses -nn03- TIZIANO Vecellio Seacoast Dulle Griet -Mad Meg- fg A Mere Fracture The Toilet Hebersprings Nocturne The Last Circuit of Pilgrims at Clonmacn Mota, Jose de la Shishmaref The Banana Harvest Welby Wrens Interior of a Peasant House nsg St Paul sgy Chimera Christ at the Column -detail- Golden age Snowflake Giovanni Ghisolfi A Scene in Phoenix Park