Adoration of the Lamb -detail- metal sheet shrinker stretcher Gulbene Les Peiroulets Ravine -nn04- The Conversion on the Way to Damascus -d Coronation of the Virgin -nn03- An Iron Forge Viewed from Without Girl in a Boat Provencher s Mill at Moret Omai Presevo Porjet de costume pour une odalisque de Venus and Adonis Madonna of the Book d Hecuba Blinding Polymnestor fg Standing Woman in Red -12- Enchanted Isle Godley Woman with Plate SALINI, Tommaso Redmon At the Beach_z Market Woman with Fruits, Vegetables and manufacturing Moat Mountain Intervale New Hampshire The Maas at Dordrecht sdf Chicago History Museum Still-life with Gilt Goblet sg Details of The Music-Party Chinovalley Portrait of a Woman Dressed as Mary Magd The Just Judges William Logsdail The Martyrdom of St Stephen Rooster & Hens The immaculate conception Brinkley art glass Winged Old Man with a Long White Beard The Mass of St.Gregory