The Annunciation -05- Portrait of Henrietta Vernon 10 Christ on the Cross Adored by Two Donors public abstract class St Cecilia -08- Noil me tangere Julia Louisa Bosville, Lady Middleton Virgin and Child Surrounded by Angels wi A View at Nidau -nn02- Framemica The Walk-Falling Leaves -nn04- Britomart the Faerie Queen The head of john the Baptist The Mystic Wood BURGKMAIR, Hans Self-Portrait on the Borderline Between Madonna of the Chair headshot reproduction Mary Atkins art museum LOO, Louis Michel van Nocturne in Black and Gold,The Falling R A Sibyl ag Caspar David Friedrich Sir Joseph Noel Paton da vinci Orchard with Peach Trees in Blossom -nn0 Oaks in a California Landscape Card-sharpers at An Eastern Beauty -37- Hay-making Still Life -df01- Rebecca au puits -11- Portrait of Artist A. C. Lens sg Harbour with Ruins af Toward the Sunlight The Polish Nobleman or Man in Exotic Dre Barnstable The Pantheon,Oxford Street Conciliarism Composition Erskine Nicol