Girls Putting Flowers in their Hats Moses Trampling on the Pharaoh-s Crown - The Lovesick Woman art fine lamp Tartar Maria Bicknell Bourbon Self-Portrait -nn04- The Concert -detail- rey The Little Pastry Cook A Pastoral Scene Landscape with Two Figures Kars Democritus -detail- -df01- unfinished wood frame The Fall of the Rebel Angels Eldred South Uist St George and the Dragon Wien Centreville Paumgartner Altarpiece Nicolaas Rockox dsws Newalmaden Portrait of Mr and Mrs.D.L.Clare -37- Sycamores and Oaks The Sourec Rain -34- The Journey to Emmaus -17- Williams Queen Anne at the House of Lords -25- Portrait of Guillaume Apollinaire and Ma vincent van gogh bio The First Tear Vielle Femme Faisant frire des cenfs -df Cleopatra at the Temple of Isis at Phila Morongovalley Naldini, Giovanni Battista Goldsmith J-ouml-rg Zrer of Augsburg Peaceable Kingdom