Eros and Ganymede -46- The hon.frances duncombe Coup de Soleil -35- Martin Pahoa Tczew The Virgin - Child with a Dove Weston Bather Seated on a Rock Music dertete white river moulding watercolor painting Suprematist Composition -09- The Institution of the Eucharist Enguerrand Quarton L-Angelus The Courtyard of Italy The Adoration of the Magi_3 Madonna and Child jkj The Nativity -05- PIETERSZ, Pieter mirror telescope Consolation A Bouquet2 Woman in Blue -05- Eindhoven Diana After the Hunt -08- full length mirror Rest on the Flight into Egypt Octave Penguilly - L Haridon The Virgin of Chancellor Rolin -45- Saint Nicholas Saves Three Innocent Men Landscape with Farm and Cow Judith and Holofernes 333 Pierre-Auguste Renoir Kipnuk character Tod der Hl.Fina cezanne in in life still studio watercol Baden-Wurttemberg