Tile Bottle and cup Tower abstract thought FABRITIUS, Carel Marianne Stokes Ceiling fresco The Lying-in-State of St. Bonaventura Kingsport Before the Entrance on Stage Mrs. St George Christ and the Woman of Samaria Houses of Parliament,Effect of Sunlight Departure Portrait of a woman with a fan -33- The Adoration of the Shepherds Shannonhills Orpheus Crucifixion Osthaus, Edmund Henry Bacau Marshallville The Flagellation of Christ Waterlilies LOTTO, Lorenzo Isaac Abrahamsz Massa sf Nicolas Maes Venus and Cupid Parkwood The Piazza and Church of Santa Maria Mag Krapina chair frame metal wood chinese The Adoration of the Child A Juggler -23- Mr Wombell-s Hunter with a Groom in a Co Music Lesson The Stag Hunt The Supper at Emmaus Landscape on the Banks of the Oise The Landscape of Autumn