Pocahontas Water-Lilies The Miraculous Draught of Fishes Saints Cosmas and Damian with their Brot Procession of the Magi Nikopol Lexingtonhills Madonna and Child Enthroned with Eight A effigy mound builder Unalaska Kastoria Corneille Huysmans The Kiss -20- The Fanatics of Tangier fsx scenery Liverpool Custom House The Judgment of Paris Details of the Blinding of Samson Mercury Sent to Admonish Aeneas Tirane On the Green River Paul Cornoyer A Family Roundlakeheights Harvesters by Firelight St James the Greater The Washerwoman Cupids-Dance At Nightfall MINDERHOUT, Hendrik van Resting -23- The Entombment sys Adoration of the Child -08- Waalwijk Hamlet and the Grave Diggers Meule sur les bords du Loing Overmatch Faust and Marguerite -23- sketching Rollinghills