Act art authentic fine handmade Trio The Holy Woman at the Sepulchre The Checked Blouse Shemakha The Lost Virginity -19- Joseph in Egypt oblong Nisporeni Concho The Calling of St Matthew t Heraclitus and Democritus fd landscape at cagnes Apache Medicine Song -43- Powder Factory in the Sierra. The Death of St Bonaventura Portrait of Maria Dyakova The Magdalen at the House of the Pharise Georg Friedrich Kersting plain aire Groveland Midway William Shakespeare Burton View from Mount Holyoke,Northampton,MA.a Portrait of Ippolito de Medici Claycity Moses and the Burning Bush -08- The Grief of the Pasha Mask Madamoiselle Dobigny Infanta Margarita -df01- The red house in view Virgin and Child Enthroned between Saint The Paradise r Salida Love-s Jewelled Fetter -23- grapic arts The Cheat with the Ace of Clubs Dazed overwhelmed,and bleary eyed demons