Groton Sainte Genevieve The House of Pere Lacroix in Auvers Galway William Henry Hunt,OWS Sand Quarries near Valmondois Quinebaug Fall -La Cada- The Execution of Maximilian Fortcarson WITTEL, Caspar Andriaans van Pieta -08- Meeting of the Betrothed Couple and the The passage of Mount St.Gothard,taken fr Details of Daphnis and Chloe Vive Priape The Companions of Rinaldo Die Alexamderschlacht Abstract Figuer Vincenzo Dandini Portrait de Benoit-De-Puydt Alexandercity Two Little Italian Girls By a Village Tribute to Caesar Girl Drying Herself Cows in the Water Giovanni Boccaccio Absinthe Drinker_t Woman with Porcelain Vase Alfred Darjou Blue Verts Deianeira Abducted by the Centaur Nessus Hercules between Vice and Virtue Tobit Accuses Anna of Stealing the Kid Kivalina Oswald achenbach A Group of Danish Artists in Rome Edwin Long,An Egyptian Feast -23- Tiger on the Watch Mars