Hide and Seek Kerman Apollo and Daphne The Lion Hunt -45- Stevenson landscape lighting malibu oblong Stories of the Life of Christ sh Still life of grapes on a pewter dish,to The Saint Augustine Polyptych Mota, Jose de la The Virgin and Child TheMadonna Appearing to St.Philip Neri Calvary Triptych -detail- The Betrothal of the Virgin Mary to Jose Fra Bartolomeo,Portrait of Girolame Savo A Dutch Interior Edmund George Warren,RI High Museum of Art Panel II of The Story of Nastagio degli Buttermere Lake - A Shower The Flagellation The Four Symbols of the Montesereno Julesburg La Gare of St. Lazare Searlesvalley A William Blake reproduction, photograph creature night New England Sunrise The Finding of Moses Road in Forest Profile of a Woman Stronghurst Chalk Cliffs on Rugen The Night The Embarkation for Cythera -05- female photo seascape oil painting Sappho Makakilocity