The Declaration of Independence 4 july 1 Waiting Stories of Lucretia Landscape with River and Figures -detail Trois Hommes a table -df02- Crucifixion qwr Feuerprobe des Hl.Franziskus vor dem Sul Blessing Christ d Boulevard in the Evening The Marriage at Cana fg mirror round Keskisoumi Thorsby Brighton Front Daubigny-s Garden -nn04- Sir John Suckling Peck Sheldon Leicester Square at Night Sunflower I-12- Cisne Die Kornsieberinnen Penitent Mary Magdalen Queen Mariana -df01- Fourteen Sunflowers in a Vase -12- Landscape with Birds Pieter van den Broecke The Death of the Virgin -detail- Nahunta The Concert -detail- awr Madonna and Child dfg Red and Yellow Hills Jackals Kalila and Dimna Esquisse peinte,la Musique ou Joueuse de View of Capri The Donor-s Wife -detail- The Fortune Tellers Hettick Farmhouse with Birch Trees -20- Higden Cascade-chipitapark