Musee Royal des Beaux Arts, Antwerp Autumn sgh Impression,Sunire -Impression,soleil lev Entrance to the Port of Honfleur -Windy Split rope Maurice William Greiffenhagen Apollo and the Muses -Parnassus- An Angel Brings the Holy Communion to Ma wood frame construction manual Portrait of a Young Woman sg art fine photography Dance to the Moulin Rouge Forty two Kids The Miraculous Draught of Fishes Regatta on the Canale Grande -08- KETEL, Cornelis The Rhinoceros -08- Femme du Caire -32- Brig Abu l Faraj al Isfahani Feast in the House of Levi The Institution of the Eucharist Little Girl Street Noises Invade the House VELDE, Adriaen van de Simon de Vlieger Shipwreck off Hastings. Bassin Central Dignity and Impudence Stories of Virginia St Cecilia BRAY, Joseph de Wien Self-Portrait Eceabat Lizton A Girl in the Street,Two Coaches in the Nemencine The Dance -35- Strasbourg