Portrait of Matisse Vernonhills Evening at the Piazza jj Morges Tangara Marine Ville-d-Avray -11- Watching the Porpoises -46- Banquet Scene in a Renaissance Hall Gersaint-s Shopsign Harvest at La Crau,with Montmajour in th Portrait of a Lawyer Young Girls on the Edge of the Sea Realistic White Rose Portrait of Don Guillermo Kaahlo A Daughter of the Revolution Oxnard Theodorus Schrevelius Still Life with Apples The Virgin and Child with St.Anthony of Portrait of the Ottoman sultan Mehmed th An Unhappy Family-or Suicide- St Lawrence Receiving the Church Treasur The Doctor Portrait of Mrs j.p.Heselitine -46- old masters Breton Women Joseph Ducreux Kuhn Walt Diana and Callisto ar Saint John on Patmos Olive Trees with the Alpilles in the Bac View near Tivoli Stratford Gillette Borgarnes Pontevedra The Baptism of the Eunuch Lindsay Jacques