portrait Basket of Flowers Hippolyte Flandrin Portrait of a Lawyer Bacchanal of Putti 1626 Oil on canvas depiction Woman with a Basket of Fruit fgf The Dairy Maid dfg Exaltation of the Cross Olive Picking -nn04- Istibanja Honalo London- Ranelagh, Interior of the Rotund The Four Seasons with the Sun and the Mo Arrangement in Gray and Bloack No.1-Port Sacra Famiglia -08- Portrait de M Gauthier-Lathuile -40- Lennox Windsor Castle,Berkshire -31- Vain Courtship The Painter and his Pug classic picture frame Aarau Judith and Holofernes 333 Nikolai Kasatkin Strawn photograph Discovery of the body of Holofernes Brookston Sunny Beach Provincetown Still Life with Irises The Court of Inquisition Chaired by St. Braganca View of Saragossa sgj Undergrowth with Ivy -nn04- wood moulding trim Portrait of Maria Zambaco Landscape with Oak Trees and a Hunter vincent van gogh gallery