Hilo Virgin Annunciate Giuseppe Bazzani Presentation in the Temple and Flight to As the Old Sang the Young Play Pipes dy Lamentation over Dead Christ Losalamitos Landscape with Diogenes -05- Bowder Ston, L-Immaculee Conception -df02- St John Reproaching Herod af Miss Martha Carr A Scene on the Ice near a Town f Bacchanal before a Statue of Pan zg Philip II as an old Man -df01- Mcdougal Interior of Medici Family The Combat of Love and Chastity -05- Elisabeth Farren, Later Countess of Derb Louis Buvelot East Hampton Beach SEGHERS, Gerard A Boy Caching Fleas on His Dog Venus Anadyomenes La Sente du chou Le Marchand d-eau de Seville -df02- Nymphs and Satyr -26- Mosca Shepherdess Crawfordville contemporary abstract art Butte The still life having fruit Johan Thorn Prikker Stowing the Sail, Bahamas beyond degas impressionism Mersrags A Lean Diet with Cooking Utensils Northern Idyll Wayside Encounter