Judgement of Paris Old man with gorget and black cap -33- Farm Scene SEGHERS, Gerard funny photo Irises Santiago de Compostella Portage Cafe-Chantant in a Popular Quarter in Am View of Arles with Trees in Blossom -nn0 Portrait of an Old Woman gfhgf Hieronimus Kraffter ou Crofft,marchand d St James-s Park and the Mall -25- Nasturtiums in The Dance -II- -35- Antoine Portalice The Last Supper -detail- ii The Woman of spanish had on a shawl Blac Discoverybay A Country Festival with Soldiers Rejoici Summer Days at Vernon Elgin Finishing Touches Maurin, Charles Jesus among the Doctors -05- Portrait of Margareta van Eyck sdf The Coronation of the Virgin Self Portrait at Saint Remy Simon Bening CAPRIOLO, Domenico William Dyce Self-Portrait with Gloves -nn03- Allegory of the Arts Plamondon, Antoine Sebastien Novi Pazar GHIRLANDAIO, Domenico Nevermore, O Tahiti Sacra Conversazione -08- Maribor St Nicholas Halts an Unjust Execution