BOTTICINI, Francesco The Terrace Bestatigung der Ordensregel der Franzisk Rest on Flight into Egypt ff Quais of the Seine Glenwood Crossing a Creek er Vilar Formoso The Tree of Life Kage female reproduction system Plainview PIOLA, Domenico Joseph Levi -39- Jacob Blessing the Sons of Joseph Tobias and the Three Archangels Baia Mare Early Spring Afternoon-Central Park art frames cool icon image of america A man seated at a table holding a flagon The Astronomer -05- The Doge Andrea Gritti Greenish Bus in Street of Paris A Burst of Sunshine -05- Chauncey Departure of an Oriental Entourage f The Last of the Clan ekens, Joseph Francis Delreyoaks Site des environs de Naple -11- West End Field,Hampstead,noon The Annunciation -05- Sagres The Lamentation of Time Passing The Stoning of St.Stephen Jerez de la Frontera Madonna Enthroned with the Child, St Fra Marmion, Simon