Landscape with Shepherds Two Water Mills and an Open Sluice dfh Joos van cleve Greenmountainfalls The Birth and Infancy of St Stephen Francis I Palmdale St James the Greater Karadonly The Knight-s Dream af The church at Moret,Evening Holy Trinity Varnamo The Torre del Orologio The Waterlily Pond -09- Hins Anders The House of Dr Gachet in Auvers Longcreek Bathsheba with David-s Letter claude monet life Portrait of the Artist-s Mother Gardenacres Portrait of A Young Man -27- Betsabea al Bagno Moscow,Zubovsky Square The Orange Gatherers Around the Table FRANCKEN, Ambrosius Madonna in Adoration of the Christ Child The Stranger -43- Portrait of Frederic Chopin Woman with Porcelain Vase Ball at the Moulin de la Galette Gmund Dead Sea Sur la terrasse -32- Fort William Summer -10- Woman Reading a Letter The Inspiration of Saint Matthew df