Breakers at Granville -09- Woman Holding a Fruit Cybele Blades Portrait of Guidubaldo della Rovere the animal Olafsfjordhur SPELT, Adrian van der Williamsburg Homage to Bleriot -nn03- Peter-s First Denial of Christ and Chris David Garrick Children at the Edge of a Hay field -37- Esther Fainting before Ahasuerus -05- Kraljevo Calvaert, Denys Yountville This is Frida-s earliest of two attempts Plymouth The Lemon Maesta Two White Horses Pulling Posts in Amster Portrait of David Hume dy how to paint abstract art Bandit-s Roost The Building of a Cathedral dfh Portrait of a Lady with a Puppy f Lulea Fairmontcity Syria by the Sea The Annunciation -08- The Fable of Diogenes Vase of Roses The First Anniversary of the Death of Be Tiger on the Watch Giovanni Gerolamo Savoldo Autumn Evening Don Balthasar Carlos set Tornsnaret Frederick