Hamburgs hamn The Lady in Red Cologne-The arrival of a packet-boat-eve The Rape of Europa d1582g An Eastern Beauty -37- A Lady Drinking and a Gentleman -detail- John Ruskin,HRWS Man -45- Peasant Woman Sitting in the Grass Carterville Family Group Le Jardin de Vetheuil Details of Herod-s Feast Allegory of Charity -and making it into a great cross i set Victory Dance Old Brooklyn Bridge Circe offering the Cup to Ulysses -41- Philip IV in Army Dress Irondale The Creation of Adam Rogersville Portrait of Rembrandt-s Father La Rochelle -11- Funerary Portrait of Womane from El Fayu gold and wood frame The Fortune Teller -detail- drgdf Hopkinspark sex body The Burial of Atala -05- Elegantes sur la plage The Mystic Marriage of St.Catherine of S The Spain Woman in the White Shawl Adoration of the Child -detail- ga Sneek Rye Lebasque, Henri The Mystic Marriage of St Catherine dfg Views of Ancient Rome Ukmerge