Tacoma Art Museum Stmichael Bather Portrait of Monet in Uniform Ouzinkie Varnamo art institute Sabile Lisman Portrait with Apples - Wife of the Artis Bandit-s Roost A Shepherdess and her Flock Watercolour Ioannina Realistic Orange Rose Dooling Landscape with the Finding of Moses sdfg His Ministers plead with the Sasanian ki La cometa-Kite- Leave Taking oil figure painting Grandbay Assumption of the Virgin -detail- Mossa, Gustave Adolphe Wing of a Roller Charles Harold Davis punk Christ with Mary and Martha The Walls of Lucerne -46- To the Unknown British Soldier in France art fine model Troms photo picture Derby Breakfast Triptych of Jean Des Trompes -detail- df abstract art expressionism in modern mov Study-Maiidens picking Flowers by a Stre Oak fineart A Perslan Prince