Interior of Saint Peter-s Colliermanor-cresthaven Lorient View of Ceret Mosjoeen LEYSTER, Judith Self-portrait aged 63 -08- A Pastoral Landscape with Shepherds and The Dressing Table-The Mirror- Ludza Martha and Mary Magdalene gg Details of Tempelgang Marias William John Hennessy At the Relay Station - Relay Station in picture of mythical creature A View in the Island of New Caledonia in antique reproduction lighting Norandino and Lucina Discovered by the O Eastgermantown Pulpit st L-Enlevement Nebo Pergola at Samarkand Hotel,Santa Barbara Nicolaes Hasselaer af The sun in the park wood furniture frame Nymph of Spring Aqueduct near Rome Mother Catherine Agnes and Sister Cather The Lacemaker er Jean-Franc Millet Details of Martyrdom of St.Matthew Female Model in a Renaissance setting Return of Judith to Betulia -36- Equestrain Portrait of Charles I Deenwood Jasper Schade sg The Bank and Royal Exchange Diana - Cupid Napolean Bonaparte