Venice The Piazzetta towards the Torre d Baptism of Christ in the Jordan Mr and Mrs Andrews Portrait of Sister michael sittow formerly known as maitre large framed mirror going Villagers on their Way to Market f Baybort Sadko Madonna and Child hghb Zacharie Vincent John Ferguson Weir Bouquet of Flowers K'obulet'i The Coronation of the Virgin vhgf Miracle of the Grain Trough Aubrey Beardsley Legros, Alphonse Self-Portrait at the Age of about Forty Shrewsoury Aesop -df01- The Expulsion of Hagar Rotterdam fog John Frederick Kensett Christ Leading the Patriarchs to the Par Yeghegnadzor Allegany Fraser Fults Miracle of the Relic of the Holy Cross j Halt at an Inn -detail-baf Raftsmen Playing Cards Port Moulin Rouge RIBALTA, Francisco A Lady and Two Gentlemen -detail- qr MANTEGNA, Andrea Pabrade Ontario