Head Studies of Three French Magistrates Sunset Cairo, Francesco del The Girlhood of the Virgin Shongopovi Adam and Eve ar The guitar and Score Detail from Maesta Portrait of the Painter Manuel Humbert - Sandalfootcove Wayne The Hunters in the Snow Les Halles de Saint-Omer Worth Calvert Delvine Martha and Mary Magdalene Lake George at Sunset 1862 Savoy Hawthornwoods Madonna and Child with St.Anthony of Pad Bacchanal- the Andrians af Pratt, Matthew Man Talking to Bird Allegory of Happiness sdf Altarpiece of St Ambrose er Rome from Mount Aventine -09- Lady Writing a Letter with Her Maid -det Wooded Landscape -05- scenery The Tattooing Lesson -05- Detail from The Feast in the House of Le Spanish Woman Venus a son miroir -df02- Schone Maria Soke Montana The Martyrdom of St Stephen Whiteland Broadview