Obsequies of St.Francis Anders Zorn The Marriage Procession of the Virgin -0 Rouen Cathedral Leon Wyczolkowski An old Woman asleep -33- The Empire of Flora -detail- afd Bushnell creature from krab krusty Cantrall Lubeck Nicholas Boylston Hans Sandreuter The Capture of Christ sf paintings Bank of the Oise at Auvers View of Donner Lake, California Details of the Blinding of Samson The Attentive Nurse Venus and Adonis Angel with a censer and a candle Beheading of St John the Baptist agf Tobacco Pipes and a Brazier dfg Chrysanthemums ss Algerian Girl Palatka St. James Led to Martyrdom Brother Juniper and the Beggar -05- View of the West and North Walls sg digital photo printing Victoria Like Flames her Long Red Tresse Las Meninas.Ausschnitt-Kopf der Infantin Charles Francois Daubigny Beethoven Frieze -20- work of art Fishing Port Olevano Romano -11- Johann Joachim Winckelmann Last Judgment sfg Young Woman Sleeping