Breakfast Still Life with Blackberry Pie George Shalders The Soldiers of Christ -detail- Portrait of a Woman sag Joseph Israels The Unpretentious Garden The Babylonian Marriage Market Charles II As Grandmaster ofthe Golden F Christ on the Lake of Gennesaret Susana van Collen,Wife of Jean Pellicorn The Coronation of St Catherine -01- A shaykh in the prayer niche of a mosque Wheat Fields with Stacks -nn04- Littleville Portrait of the Artist Holding a Life St The Last Judgment 1 The Procuress kj A Woman Asleep at Table -detail- aer Ladies of Arles Altarpiece of the Annunciation Mrs Richard Brinsley Sheridan Les Alicamps Beecher The Martyrdom of St Catherine -detail- s The Arrival at Vlissingen of the Elector Black Circular Istok Artur Timoteo da Costa St.Jerome in the Wilderness Granada Massacre of the Innocents AF Family Portrait The Story of Nastagio degli Onesti -deta Stockbridge,Mass. Smog obscured A Mere Fracture Sleeping Shepherd Boy -22- Agony in the Garden SCHAUFELEIN, Hans Leonhard Grosseto