St John the Baptist in the Widerness -08 Leopold Zborowski -38- The Doge s Palace and the Grand Canal,Ve Recreation by our Gallery 02 Nativity iuty Tree in the Sun -nn02- ELSHEIMER, Adam Classic Romance BRAMANTINO Conway Spring Water Peale, Raphaelle Landscape Scene from St.Anthony Abbot and St.Paul the Hermit Aristotle Contemplation a Bust of Homer South American Landscape Lake Derwent with Evening Storm -10- Beethoven Frieze -20- Nude Woman Drying her Foot Two Young Girls the Yellow Dress and the Depue The Virgin and Child -05- Old Pew Girl Seated in a Cemetery Church and farm at Eragny-sur-Epte Wooden Stretcher The Beheading of John the Baptist Details of he Departure of the Doge on A Philip II on Horseback -df01- Georges Seurat Picture Gallery with Views of Modern Rom Copy after Hans Holbein the Elder-s lost Hercules on the Pyre -05- La mise au tombeau stretched cunt Resen Penelope Saint Francis Giving his Mantle to a Poo Self-Portrait -nn04- Chaffinch Nest and May Blossom -46-