Virgin and Child -detail- hhgr Armida-s Attempt to Kill Herself Resonator Lady with a Fan -df01- Portrait of Samuel Ampzing pulp moulding Monterey Portrait of Mary Cassatt John Greenwood Plate of Plums with Jasmine and Nuts Landscape study,cottage and rainbow Flowers in a Flask d The Triumph of David a The Virgin and Child Surrounded by Eight Maria Bicknell Diana and Actaeon Ceadir Lunga Melendez, Luis Eugenio Novella di Nastagio degli Onesti The Abduction of Rebecca_3 Deposition -detail- On the Road Lady and Gentleman with two Girls and a Langnau Leary image and chef Portrait of Doctor Gachet The Knackers Yard Rhetoricians at a Window Riva degli Schiavoni- Looking East Riodell Losmolinos Chevaux de Courses Simeon with the Christ Child in the Temp Heaths in the Ardennes Venice-The Bridge of Sighs Dacula The lake St Jerome in Prayer -detail- ghj Rococo