Venetian Bead Stringers -18- Sycamore Mary Magdalen in the Grotto Niccol da Tolentino Leads the Florentine Chinar granite sculpture Judith II -20- St Nicholas ryy Guggenheim Museum The Fortuneteller -detail- aer Bahama Cove Fieldon Albert Anker A Warrior Presentation of Christ in the Temple r Marie de Medicis,Queen of France Tsit'eli-Tsqaro The Lictors Bring to Brutus the Bodies o international moulding Calumny Henry Iv Receiving The Portrait of Maria Dejeuner sur l-herbe-The Picnic- Gardener Bathsheba at Her Bath Seated man with orange background Theseus and Aethra -detail sg Roe The Tower of Babel f Venice,from the Lagoon -31- Johann kupetzky Le Moulin sur la Couleuvre a Pontoise strange creature The Last Judgement -detail- df Portrait of Jacques Cazotte af Arthur Dove Portrait of Doctor Gachet -nn04- Christ giving the Keys to St Peter Huntington Daniel BENING, Simon Hugh Henry Breckenridge