Cullman Alfred Sisley Portrait of Paul Verlaine The Virgin and Child -attributed to Marm Tornsnaret The Toilette sg Self Portrait Kotayk' Timova Stcharles Jacksonport The Milimaid of Bordeaux Portrait of Joseph Roulin Recreation by our Gallery NEUFCHATEL Nicolas Bouquet of Flowers in a Clay Vase Mililanitown The Return of the Prodigal Son -detail- Coat-of-Arms of Anthony of Burgundy df A Peasant drinking Alamosaeast Moon-light,wolf -43- Window Display in Detroit The Music-Makers ag Bezekne Haydenlake BOL, Ferdinand Tustinfoothills How Sir Galahad, Sir Boys and Sir Perciv Madonna and Child Enthroned with Angels The Burial of the Sardine Shepherdess with her flock -san17- The Death of St Giles Imaginary View of the Grande Galerie in David Praised by the Israelite Women Architectural View f The Promenade The Rehearsal At the Ballet Zlin