Symphony on White No 2 Little White Girl Arrangement in Grey Portrait of the Pain Cattle on the Bank of a River Belleglade Giovanni di Kotzebue Witchcraft The Harpsichord Lesson Berkley Roxana On the Cliff near Dieppe,Overcast Skies Vincent-s Bedroom in Arles -nn04- hospital stretcher Mezzetin The Confession sg The Thames from Cliveden -46- Losaltoshills Dunkerton Venus Vertisordia Woman Combing a Child-s Hair The First Meet Mcintosh Rome from the Vatican Aline Charigot-Madame Renoir- Lebasque, Henri St.John the Baptist View of the Chair Factory and the Seine Deux chapeaux -40- Herminie gardant ses troupeaux grave sur The Surrender of Breda how to make wood frame The Road to Calvary -08- Simultaneous Counter-Composition -09- Epsom Derby Merrymaking Outside an Inn Self-Portrait with Straw Hat -nn04- movie who framed roger rabbit Landscape with Ascanius Shooting the Sta Fetes Venetiennes -08- Mena