Loo, Louis-Michel van Portrait de jeune homme -Autoportrait- - View of Saint-Cloud from the Heights of Forest Scene with Water-Mill df The Game of the Golden Cushion -detail- Portrait of a Young Venetian Lady The Mystic Marriage of St.Catherine Pieter Claesz Madonna Enthroned between St. John and S Head of a Robber Spring Flowers ddd GENTILESCHI, Orazio Caryatid -39- Autumn Landscape Buffalo Chase on the Upper Missouri abstract background myspace Le massacre de Boston Adoration of the Christ Child gi William Anderson with Two Saddle Horses Mademoiselle de Clermont en Sultane sg Details of Stigmatisation des Hl.Franzis The First Tear Willowhill Ingenue Holy Family Relaxing in the Country sg Spring Rutting-Battle of Stags Fiddle and fruit dish Christ as the Man of Sorrows The Toiler of Venus Scheveningen Beach Frederick james shields Venus of Urbino -08- Palmettoestates Millen An Oleander -23- Springville The Front Porch Lappi Wiley