Summer Scene Willem Buytewech Still-Life with Cheesesv sdd The Kalila and Dimna animal fables The Novel Reader -19- art fine model The Idle Hour Skating by the Mill Realistic Flowers Tornado -13- Piette-s house,Montfoucault in the snwo Portrait of a Lady Mrs Ezekiel Goldthwait Le Moulin de la Galette -nn04- The Little Yellow Horses -34- Venus Abbess Jeronima de la Fuente ewt Kitchen Garden with Trees in Flower, Pon animal baby Weeder from Work in the field Break ground stretcher bar story stretcher Les trs riches heures du Duc de Berry- M The Marriage Procession of the Virgin -0 The Felicity of the Regency of Marie de- Coal Barges -nn04- The Anchorite djs Challenge-brownsville artist monet Chalk Cliffs on Rugen Painter in his Studio dafg Gateway St Jerome and St John the Baptist The Song of the Lark Nevermore, O Tahiti Miss Margaret Henderson -41- Leadore Linwood Girl Chopping Onions